A shipping box that became the game-changer paper
Ever heard of a packaging box that’s nothing less than a technological marvel—keeping our most valued medical supplies safe? We’ll take you through it.

What if we tell you that packaging, medical packaging in particular is an engineering marvel. It’s a technology—a crucial one that makes life easy, just like any other advanced gadget. Surprised?
Let us explain further.
Shipping Box for Medical Packaging
The story of the first Covid-19 vaccines reaching frontline healthcare workers will always be remembered as a great triumph. But did you know that there’s a hero in this story that deserves our special attention?
The box these vaccines are shipped in.
Each vaccine shipping box weighs about 80 pounds and holds up to 4,875 doses of vaccine. There are five doses per vial. The vials are packed in flat boxes about the size of a small pizza box, each of which holds 195 vials. As many as five of these are stacked together in a reusable, insulated cardboard box that is topped with 50 pounds of dry ice.
Pfizer is also sending facilities special instructions for handling the custom packaging, designed and manufactured by Softbox, in order to preserve the precious cargo.
At the center of all these efforts is the corrugated cardboard box—lightweight, strong, moisture-resistant, insulating—the perfect material for the most important packaging and shipping jobs in the field of pharmaceuticals.

What makes these boxes even better is the fact that 100 percent of the packaging is recyclable—collected by the paper manufacturer’s in-house recycling paper service and sent to partners from other industries to manufacture a range of different products.
These shipping boxes are such simple and ubiquitous commodities that they can easily be relegated into the background. However, these are the packages that helped us more than any other gadget—or at least as much as them—during the COVID-19 crisis.
This brings us to say that of all the boxes that must have been shipped the last holiday season—this one surely stands out. A box that will be remembered more than anything else, while continuing to help us navigate through these challenging times.