What Does 2023 Have in Store for India’s Pulp and Paper Industry

This content is being republished with the consent of Fisher International and ResourceWise. Read more about India’s P&P Industry at ResourceWise. Dec 10’23

  • The Indian pulp and paper industry was estimated to be worth $11.5B in 2021
  • It is anticipated to grow to $31.5B by 2023 and beyond, bringing the Indian pulp and paper industry on the forefront of the global market.

It is quite interesting to know that India is the world’s fourth-largest producer of paper, with an annual production of around 12 million metric tons. The industry employs around 2.5 million people and contributes significantly to the country’s export revenue. But what will the year 2023 hold for the pulp and paper sector in India? Let’s find out!


Did you know that India consumes 22 million tons of paper and paperboard yearly, making up 4.7 percent of the world’s total paper consumption? Yes, India has seen a continuous increase in paper consumption as a result of the economy of the nation seeing stable growth since the early 1990s. From 14 million tons in 2010–11 to 22 million tons in 2019–20, India consumed more paper. India was one of the fastest-growing paper markets in the world during this time, with a CAGR of 6% compared to the global growth rate of 3%.

Millions of people are employed by India’s pulp and paper sector, which significantly boosts the nation’s economy. Although sizable businesses are using recycled paper pulp and sugarcane bagasse, wood pulp still accounts for the majority of the industry’s production. While part of the pulp produced in India is also used to create paperboard and other specialty papers, paper manufacture accounts for the majority of its consumption.

Large, contemporary mills coexist with several small and medium-sized businesses in India’s highly fragmented paper industry. To assist the expansion and development of the pulp and paper sector, the Indian government has put in place several policies and initiatives, such as tax breaks and financial aid for the upgrading of existing mills.

Capacity by major grade in India (actual and announced)

Source: Fisher International

©[2023] Fisher International (ResourceWise). All rights reserved.

India Facing Challenges to Pulp and Paper Industry

When it comes to challenges, the lack of raw resources is one of the biggest issues with the pulp and paper sector in India. The country’s forests are under stress from over-exploitation, which has increased the price of raw materials and caused a shortage of wood, which is a major input for the sector. As a substitute for wood, the Indian government has also been pushing the use of non-wood fibres like bamboo.

The demand on the sector to adopt more sustainable practices is another difficulty. This entails minimising the industry’s negative environmental effects, including lowering greenhouse gas emissions and water use, as well as dealing with problems like deforestation and illicit logging.

Despite these challenges, the pulp and paper industry in India is expected to continuously grow in the coming years, driven by factors such as increasing demand for paper products, technological advancements, and government policies aimed at promoting the industry.

Is India Likely to Become World’s Leading Paper Producer?

India’s pulp and paper businesses are highly developed and productive, making a considerable contribution to the national economy. The sector has grown significantly in recent years, using cutting-edge technology and eco-friendly manufacturing techniques to make paper products of the highest caliber. The sector supports many downstream sectors and employs a significant number of people. To raise product quality and lower production’s environmental impact, the Indian Pulp and Paper Industry is also actively involved in research and development.

Future growth of the pulp and paper industry in India is anticipated as a result of the rising demand for paper goods and a growing population. The Indian government has also put laws into place to support the expansion of the sector, including supporting the use of renewable energy sources and the creation of new technology.

Additionally, the business is anticipated to increase as a result of rising consumer demand for sustainable and eco-friendly goods. But the sector also faces difficulties including competition from digital media and the high price of raw materials.

So, is India going to be the leading paper producer in the world? Possibilities are many because India has the potential to become a major paper producer in the world, due to its large population, growing economy, and abundance of raw materials such as wood and bamboo. However, the country currently ranks among the top 5 paper producers in the world, but still has a long way to go to reach the number 1 spot.

The Indian paper industry has been facing challenges such as high production costs, lack of technology, and environmental concerns, which must be addressed for the country to become a leading paper producer. Additionally, increasing government support and private investment in the paper industry can also help India to become the leading paper producer in the world.

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